Thursday, August 23, 2012

You have to start to be able to fiinish

Work has been very crazy for me lately
lots of new challenges and work to get done in a short time
I am not the kind of person who likes challenges
but i still have to get that shit done though I don't like it
I just keep on telling myself to DO THE FIRST THING FIRST
cux it's always hardest to start the first step
once I've reached forward and got my first step out, i am closer to the finish point
every step i make gives me more motivation to move forward
cux I can see the goal

Monday, August 6, 2012


Congratzzzzz sis!!
thanks for brining a new member to our family
Kayden ♥
wishing you good heath, love & happiness
I can't wait to meet you Kayden

Friday, August 3, 2012

I am spoiled

It's August~
bought 2 new pair of shoes!!! love them!!
I need to spoil myself once in a while
just to love myself more haha
here is one of the 2 pairs

Sometimes I feel very small
but if I just try a little harder...
I will get to somewhere as long as I don't give up
I need to believe in myself
and love myself